Uses of MobileIV Therapy Drips

Intravenous (IV) Drip delivers vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly to the body for maximum absorption. This allows the nutrients to flood your body and nourish itself at the cellular level. By using this method, we can safely deliver larger dosages of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that would not otherwise be tolerated orally.

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How Mobile IV Works

Make an Appointment

Give us a call and we'll make an appointment with you at a convenient time of your choosing. If you're not sure which package to select, or which addons will have the best affect, we'll make recommendations.

We Come To You

We will send a licensed clinician to a place of your choosing where they will professionally administer your treatment and give you further advice based on your unique circumstances. Our clinicians are nurses or EMTs, working under the direction of a doctor.

You Feel Better

An IV drip usually takes between 30 and 45 minutes to administer, with relief often being almost immediate. Depending on your unique circumstance our clinician may have further advice to get the best affect from your treatment and you feeling better.

The Active Ingredients We Use In OurIV Drips

Vitamin B1


Thiamine is an essential nutrient and must be obtained from the diet. B1 helps the body make new cells and has immune protective properties. Studies show that this vitamin is necessary to help break down simple carbohydrates and covert them to usable energy.

Learn more about Vitamin B1

Vitamin B2


Riboflavin, like other B vitamins assists in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins lending to energy production. Riboflavin is also important for red blood cell production, which is necessary for transporting oxygenated blood throughout the body. It is essential for healthy skin, hair growth, and thyroid regulation and has been known to prevent and treat migraine headaches, cataracts, rheumatoid arthritis, and some skin disorders.

Learn more about Vitamin B2

Vitamin B3


Niacin works closely with other B vitamins to convert food into energy. It aids in the production of hydrochloric acid which is needed for proper digestion. Niacin plays a role in detoxification and helps support the adrenal glands. One of the primary uses for niacin is to boost HDL cholesterol (i.e. the good cholesterol).

Learn more about Vitamin B3

Vitamin B5


Like other B vitamins, Vitamin B5 helps the body convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy. It is the most important component of coenzyme A, which assists in several metabolic pathways and is necessary for the transfer of fats to and from cells. Without it, fats could not be metabolized to energy. B5 produces numerous enzymes and helps maintain communication between the central nervous system and the brain. It contributes to the production of sex and stress-related hormones in the adrenal glands, which is why it can help handle stressors, both emotional and physical. Vitamin B5 is also important in maintaining a healthy digestive tract and maintaining good health.

Learn more about Vitamin B5

Vitamin B6


Vitamin B6 helps the body extract energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Vitamin B6 is also a major player in mood and sleep patterns because it helps the body produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin for maintaining mood balance and melatonin to help the body regulate the sleep cycle.

Vitamins B6, along with vitamins B12 and B9 (folic acid) helps control blood levels of homocysteine – an amino acid that may be associated with heart disease. Your body needs B6 in order to absorb vitamin B12 and to make red blood cells.

Learn more about Vitamin B6

Vitamin B12


Majority of people are not getting enough Vit B12!

Vitamin B-12, or Cobalamin, is the largest and most complex vitamin and cannot be made by the body so it must be obtained from food or supplementation. Some people do not consume enough vitamin B-12 to meet their needs, while others cannot absorb enough.

Vitamin B12 helps maintain healthy nerve cells, aids in the production of DNA and RNA which is the genetic material important for growth and development. It is essential for the proper production of blood platelets and red and white blood cells and even a slight deficiency of this vitamin will cause anemia, fatigue and/or depression.

Learn more about Vitamin B12

Vitamin B-Complex

Vitamin B-Complex is a water soluble group of vitamins that include B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12 and plays many important roles in the body. Vitamin B complex improves the body’s resistance to stress, aids in digestion, promotes healthy skin, reduces muscle spasms, leg cramps, and helps regulate blood pressure. Vitamin B complex is involved in energy production, detoxification, nerve transmission, blood formation, synthesis of proteins and fats, the production of steroid hormones and the maintenance of blood sugar levels.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic Acid

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid in its metabolically active form, is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues and it is involved in many body functions, including supporting cartilage, bones, teeth, immune system, wound healing and collagen formation.

Vitamin C is known as a super-antioxidant. Antioxidants are molecules that allow checks and balances of chemical reactions in our body. Free radical molecules can damage our cells and tissues leading to health issues such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. Antioxidants help prevent the formation, activity and buildup of free radical molecules. The aging process is largely responsible for the build up of free radicals.

Learn more about Vitamin C

Calcium Gluconate

Calcium is an essential dietary element, and is important for the maintenance of a normal heartbeat, for the normal functioning of nerves and muscle contraction, the release of neurotransmitters and hormones, proper enzyme function and blood coagulation. Calcium in used by the body as a building block for healthy bones and teeth.

Learn more about Calcium Gluconate


Carnitine is a naturally occurring nutrient produced by the liver, brain and kidneys. It allows the transport of fatty acids into the cells to produce energy which makes it a well known “fat burner”. Carnitine supplementation has been shown to aid in muscle recovery after exercise, decrease soreness, improve vascular function and improved antioxidant effects.

Learn more about Carnitine


Glutathione is the most important molecule you need to stay healthy and prevent aging – it is the mother of all antioxidants! Your body produces its own glutathione however that production wanes as we age due to poor diet, pollution, toxins, medications, stress, aging, and radiation.

Some of the many benefits of Glutathione are:

  • increased energy
  • improved recovery from physical activity
  • improved skin conditioning
  • immune system support
  • detoxification
  • disease prevention
  • slows aging process
  • liver, digestive, circulatory, brain support

Glutathione removes toxins in the body and when there is an overload of toxins along with decreased production of Glutathione this leaves you susceptible to unrestrained cell disintegration from oxidative stress, free radicals, infections and cancer. The liver gets overloaded and damaged, making it unable to do its job of detoxification.

Learn more about Glutathione


Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in our bodies and is needed for hundreds of biochemical reactions mostly in your bones, muscles, nerves and brain. It helps support a healthy heartbeat and immune system. It contributes to blood glucose regulation and the production of energy and protein. Magnesium is known as a relaxation mineral and is good for muscle cramps, mood swings, insomnia and blood pressure regulation.

Learn more about Magnesium


Zinc is an essential trace mineral. Every cell in the body needs this nutrient to properly function. Many metabolic cascades rely on it, from the immune system to the regulation of blood sugar.

The body does not produce zinc on its own, so its crucial that it is obtained through your diet and supplementation. Evidence exists that zinc supplements may also be useful for fighting cold and flu symptoms and has shown benefits for promoting recovery from skin injuries, and controlling acne and eye problems.

Learn more about Zinc deficiency